Kate Chu - Artist
As we all know Kate Chu's lecture on the history and art of Flower Pressing had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 quarantine. Thank you Kathy Dixon for speaking with Kate and obtaining the video. Kathy said Kate is such a lovely person and we hope to have her speak soon.
Egyptians used flowers in religious rituals, particularly for preparing the dead for the afterlife. Archaeologists unearthed pressed laurels and garlands in the 3,000-year-old coffin of Tutankhamen's mother.
In the 1500’s Oshibana (the art of pressing flowers in a way to create a whole picture) was meticulous and skilled. The art become fashionable in Victorian England, once trade with the Japanese people increased.
Throughout the Victorian era pressed flowers were important. Flowers were often combined with ribbons to create pretty pictures. Many of us have Grandmothers who taught us how to preserve a flower and leaves by placing them between the pages of a book.
Do not forget to turn up the sound.